Attached are our current service offerings and prices as of September 1, 2018.
Call us at 787-723-5000 or send us email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.
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Cloud Accounts Webhosting Accounts Enterprise Accounts


Personal Broadband AccountsMonthlySetup Fee
WebSurfer Coax 2/1 Mbps 26.95 0.00

2 Mbps download / 1 Mbps upload
Coax transport (DOCSIS 3)
One email account


and Conditions

WebSurfer Coax 5/1 Mbps 49.95 0.00
5 Mbps download / 1 Mbps upload
Coax transport (DOCSIS 3)
Five email accounts
WebSurfer Coax 10/1 Mbps 69.95 0.00
10 Mbps download / 1 Mbps upload
Coax transport (DOCSIS 3)
Five email accounts
WebSurfer Coax 20/2 Mbps 109.95 0.00
20 Mbps download / 2 Mbps upload
Coax transport (DOCSIS 3)
Five email accounts
WebSurfer Coax 50/5 Mbps 159.95 0.00
50 Mbps download / 5 Mbps upload
Coax transport (DOCSIS 3)
Five email accounts
Personal Dialup AccountsMonthlySetup Fee
WebSurfer 14.95 0.00
Unlimited interactive use
Analog (56K V.92)
50 MB of disk space for Web pages
Five 1 GB email accounts,
WebMail, auto-answer and forwarding
Yearly plan $156.00 w/prepayment ($ 13/month)


and Conditions

WebExplorer Plus $ 8.95 $ 0.00
For occasional users.
Includes 20 hours of Internet access
Analog (56K V.92)
One 1 GB email account,
WebMail, auto-answer and forwarding
Maximum billing $ 24.95/month
for 20 hours
$ 0.40/hr each
add'l hr